Detailed Market Reports for Bagley Livestock Exchange NOW Available EVERY Thursday.

Sales Schedule PDF
Market Report PDF


Bagley Livestock Exchange is Northern Minnesota's largest Livestock Auction. 

  • Selling all Classes of Cattle
  • Overhead catwalk for Buyers to view consignments.
  • Restaurant
  • Trucking available

Sales are held every Thursday.

  • Selling all Classes of feeder cattle, finished cattle, and slaughter cattle every Thursday starting at 11:00 am
  • You can view our auction online at

Bagley Livestock Exchange
PO Box 428
Bagley, MN 56621

Market Phone: (218) 694-3701
Fax: (218) 694-3700

Owners: Joe Varner & Billy Bushelle
Manager: Billy Bushelle

Please try to get your cattle consigned as early as possible so that we can include them in our extensive advertising program, as much of our advertising goes out over two weeks in advance. We are always glad to come out and look at your cattle and give you an estimate! For an on-the-farm estimate or current market info call 218-694-3701.

  • Please call ahead with consignments, so we can let our buyers know.
  • For an on-farm estimate of what your livestock will bring, please contact Joe Varner at Bagley Livestock Exchange, Inc. in Bagley, MN by calling 218-694-3701, day or night.

For questions or comments please feel free to contact us.

"Professional Livestock Marketing" Day or night, we appreciate your business!